Our weekend

Published on by jcinanshan

Saturday I had some classes and then Mei and I went to a new restaurant, it sells pizza, and some quite reasonable steak and salads. This is the second pizza outlet in our neighbourhood which is quite extraordinary as when I arrived here I do not remember any. Indeed there are very rapid changes here, China is on the move.

Today, a day of rest but one of Mei’s friends came over and then took us out to lunch, back to the pizza shop, I had steak last night so today, the pizza was a nice change.

I don’t like eating out that much but it is a nice change sometimes.

Still warm and thundering and raining and is going to get cold overnight with some snow.

Our house is very warm though so we are very comfortable.


Mei checks our bill from last night, she does this very carefully indeed and always questions the staff to make sure we don’t pay more than we should


Mei checking every detail of the bill for our meal

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